October 22, 2010

Welcome To K O SHOW! Also CHECK IT OU!!

Alright ladies and gentleman its been a couple of days since i last posted on here but honestly whos really reading this ehh...
I'd like to give a warm welcome to K O SHOW he has been apart of our group for a fair bit now and hes finally decided to join our little blog so hopefully he will post some shit on here i dunno maybe hes gunna be lazy hopefully not cause ill have to kick his ass!!!
Also i am currently making a group page on FB and its sorta pissing me off cause theyve changed everything and it is SHIT! only cool thing is you can send instant msgs to ppl in the group and they can all socialize to eacthother just one problem though FB CHAT IS SHIT Aswell! but i guess thats what you get when theres 500 million users on facebook!!
Anyways im getting off now to go Drink and watch shelons hockey game with Turtle!!!

Peace Out!
Papa Bear!

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