October 16, 2010

Sick Few Days!

So these last few days have been pretty sick! Friday night, got off work and went straight to the theater for Jackass 3D which was def one of the best movies i have seen in awhile! after that papa bear and i screwed around a bit in town because in the small town life, you gotta make your own funn!

Today jacob, papa bear, and i hit up the Ski and snowboard show. not as good as i thought it would be, but got to catch up with some people from last season and of course sniped some free shit! also there was a pretty sick skate/bmx/dance/trampoline demo, haha ya i know its a crazzzy combo but thats what made it so good. tonight the krew is hittin up the bar, grab a couple drinks and create some shenanigans around town and see what happens. So check back soon times for some more footage and other Gnarly stuff!


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