October 16, 2010

Other then that, I be tippin my hat

 Whats good fall? Go fuck yourself. Other then your pretty colours. But lack of warmth and open bike trails, combined with the lack of snow, makes you useless.

The sunny day's of summer have come to a close, and the snowy days of winter are not far off.

Though rain fell a fair bit, the summer was still solid. Lots of riding, driving and nights to remember (if we can).

Epic things this summer? Gee Atherton threw down and was king of  Crankworx at Canada's mountain bike capital. (In my opinion atleast!) Props to him! Only what, 6 months till the trails open again? Sean wants to get out to shred this year and jacob finally picked himself up a DH bike (Stab Deluxe) so epic things will happen next summer, imagine lots of injury's will get thrown into the mix, but whats the fun with out that.

Unfortunately my laptop kicked the bucket on me (Fuck you laptop) so i only have one helmet cam video from this summer. Its early in the season, and slow riding on Blue Mountains Haole trail.

Much better riding and much better helmet cam video's will show up next year.

Oh, and, scored myself some new photography gear:

Canon EOS 40D, super epic camera. Got a fish eye lense for it too, 6.5 shots per second will get us some epic snowboarding shots this winter, so be prepared!

Ill be back here soon! Peace

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