October 15, 2010

Just Fuckin Prayin For One!

Alright so the Boiis and myself decided to go see JACKASS 3D! tonight just seemed right. Well it was a Fantastic decision considering it came out TONIGHT anyways we bought our tickets at 7ish and good thing because it was SOLD OUT!!!! when we showed up 45 mins early the line up was to the back of the theater luckly i got connects ;P managed to get in at the front off the line yeah thats right CELEBRITY STATUS considering were The Small Town Krooks yee son anyways it was dope showed up stoned and drunk what an amzing combo to see the movie. a few scenes were so grafic that i almost yakked in the theater!! besides that the movie was jokes!! i dont think i have a fav scene so im just gunna say BUY AND WATCH IT!! then me and turtle tore up the parking lots and head home...
Early morning tomorrow  waking up at 8 am to do a scrap run then off too the SnowBoard Show

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