October 24, 2010

K.O SHO Introduction!

Hey Guys and Gals my name K.O SHO because i love to sleep!

Now heres where its at, i want to get on todays hot news on the UFC 121: Lesnar vs. Velasquez! Oh man it was one to see! The match starting with a strong lead with Lesnar quicly turning into a loss after leaning into one of Velasquez jab which disorentntied lesnar who was quicly put to rest after repeated punches to the face Mu Fucka!

aight i got alot shit to today so you all peace and have a great sunday


October 22, 2010

Welcome To K O SHOW! Also CHECK IT OU!!

Alright ladies and gentleman its been a couple of days since i last posted on here but honestly whos really reading this ehh...
I'd like to give a warm welcome to K O SHOW he has been apart of our group for a fair bit now and hes finally decided to join our little blog so hopefully he will post some shit on here i dunno maybe hes gunna be lazy hopefully not cause ill have to kick his ass!!!
Also i am currently making a group page on FB and its sorta pissing me off cause theyve changed everything and it is SHIT! only cool thing is you can send instant msgs to ppl in the group and they can all socialize to eacthother just one problem though FB CHAT IS SHIT Aswell! but i guess thats what you get when theres 500 million users on facebook!!
Anyways im getting off now to go Drink and watch shelons hockey game with Turtle!!!

Peace Out!
Papa Bear!

October 18, 2010


alirighty ladies and gentleman its PapaBear here today Turtle and myself had the craziest idea ive had in a while well maybe not the craziest but pretty dam CRAZY!!! Anyways so after we picked up 2 ladies Turtle said to me: "Hey PapaBear!!! you'd look really dope if you had your ears pierced man!!!" and then thats when we decided to get the girls to buy me 2 earrings and wed pierce my ears rookie style!!! and ill tell yeah how to do ear piercings rookie style



Step 1 clean needle with rubbing alcohol
Step 2 mark area to pierce with marker
Step 3 have earings on stand by
Step 4 Freeze ear or be a champ and go without
Step 5 Press really hard in a straight line through the entry area
Step 6 pull needle out and place earing in
Step 7 Rock emm in style

And thats how you doo the rookie style peircings
please dont do peircings yourself because you may hit a nerve that can paralize you!!
sorry for the caps i had CAPS lock on and was to lazy to re-type the line but anyways..
This is PapaBear signing off not actually cause im always signed in  but who cares
Peace ladies and gentleman!!
And goodnight!!!

October 16, 2010

Sick Few Days!

So these last few days have been pretty sick! Friday night, got off work and went straight to the theater for Jackass 3D which was def one of the best movies i have seen in awhile! after that papa bear and i screwed around a bit in town because in the small town life, you gotta make your own funn!

Today jacob, papa bear, and i hit up the Ski and snowboard show. not as good as i thought it would be, but got to catch up with some people from last season and of course sniped some free shit! also there was a pretty sick skate/bmx/dance/trampoline demo, haha ya i know its a crazzzy combo but thats what made it so good. tonight the krew is hittin up the bar, grab a couple drinks and create some shenanigans around town and see what happens. So check back soon times for some more footage and other Gnarly stuff!


Other then that, I be tippin my hat

 Whats good fall? Go fuck yourself. Other then your pretty colours. But lack of warmth and open bike trails, combined with the lack of snow, makes you useless.

The sunny day's of summer have come to a close, and the snowy days of winter are not far off.

Though rain fell a fair bit, the summer was still solid. Lots of riding, driving and nights to remember (if we can).

Epic things this summer? Gee Atherton threw down and was king of  Crankworx at Canada's mountain bike capital. (In my opinion atleast!) Props to him! Only what, 6 months till the trails open again? Sean wants to get out to shred this year and jacob finally picked himself up a DH bike (Stab Deluxe) so epic things will happen next summer, imagine lots of injury's will get thrown into the mix, but whats the fun with out that.

Unfortunately my laptop kicked the bucket on me (Fuck you laptop) so i only have one helmet cam video from this summer. Its early in the season, and slow riding on Blue Mountains Haole trail.

Much better riding and much better helmet cam video's will show up next year.

Oh, and, scored myself some new photography gear:

Canon EOS 40D, super epic camera. Got a fish eye lense for it too, 6.5 shots per second will get us some epic snowboarding shots this winter, so be prepared!

Ill be back here soon! Peace

October 15, 2010

Just Fuckin Prayin For One!

Alright so the Boiis and myself decided to go see JACKASS 3D! tonight just seemed right. Well it was a Fantastic decision considering it came out TONIGHT anyways we bought our tickets at 7ish and good thing because it was SOLD OUT!!!! when we showed up 45 mins early the line up was to the back of the theater luckly i got connects ;P managed to get in at the front off the line yeah thats right CELEBRITY STATUS considering were The Small Town Krooks yee son anyways it was dope showed up stoned and drunk what an amzing combo to see the movie. a few scenes were so grafic that i almost yakked in the theater!! besides that the movie was jokes!! i dont think i have a fav scene so im just gunna say BUY AND WATCH IT!! then me and turtle tore up the parking lots and head home...
Early morning tomorrow  waking up at 8 am to do a scrap run then off too the SnowBoard Show

October 14, 2010

Sketch but quick!

Layout ideas

Alright ladies and Gentleman and SUPERHEREOS! i wanna see everyones ideas for T SHIRTS and STICKERS and just STK(Small Town Krooks) logos/pics

Also today was a sad and depressing day it was cold and drizzly out Turtle and i tried making some more money today but it didnt work out to well but we did find a crazy mother load and if any of you are wondering what i am talking about we collect scrap metal and bring to the scrapp yard its not suggested due to the DANGEROUS LEVEL of DEATH!
anyways peace out and FOR THE BOIIS!!!

Papa Bear!

Rate my Pic !!! for our back ground

 what should i add fix or not do

Rainy Day.

This rainy day reminds me of just how much i hate fall and spring. its that time of year when you really can't do that much. its the in between time of summer and winter. not warm enough to go swimming, rip up the water on the wakeboard, or just chill with the krew on the beach. however it isn't cold enough to go shred the hills and pick up on some snow bunnys ;P. however, i am hopping that snow is just around the corner, and i'm getting even more stoked and going to hit up the snowboard show this weekend. Hopping it is full of some Gnarly deals.

So even though the rain won't stop, it doesn't stop the Small Town Krooks from having a good time. so look back soon for some new stuff up here and on our youtube channel

Take it eass

October 13, 2010

Whats up everyone!

Whats good everyone! Welcome to the interwebz hub for tha Small Town Krooks. Consisting of the boy's, Austin, Sean, Jacob, And myself, Sheldon. Essentially, were 4 goon's from a small town, and were putting our lifestyle onto paper, or screen's so to speak.

Bit of an intro to myself. Im Sheldon, tall skinny guy, ill be behind the camera lens alot, im a mountain biker, Car racer, paintballer, getting into the snowboard scene, hockey etc etc, all that fun shit. Thats probably all you need to know about me that has anything to do with our crew and this blog.

Expect to see tons of epic photoshoots from just about every situation imaginable, Ton's to come my friends.

Sit tight.


Howdy! Everybody Welcome To Small Town Krooks! The names Papa Bear! im just your average youngin thats down for anything me and my boiis are here to spit,record, party and just to chill and talk to who ever pops by i honestly wish i had a lot to tell you guys such as these other amazing guys in the STK (Small Town Krooks) but heres what ill tell yeah im from O-Town  i love to drink party spit and pretty much anything you may say im an idoit you may say im one of the dopest guys youve ever seen (dont flatter me ;) ) but besides that im just a Small Town Krook 4 LIFE Peace hope you like our spot!!

Papa Bear